Nazism, Fascism, and Socialism Are All Rooted in Communism
Joshua PhilippJune 4, 2018 Updated: June 18, 2018 The concept of a “far left” that is opposed to a “far right” is false. The systems placed on the two ends of that spectrum,…

548 Falun Gong followers Arrested ahead of the CCP’s 70th Anniversary
Hundreds of innocent people were arrested and abused according to classified information. 548 Falun Gong practitioners in China were detained by Police and 215 were harassed for their belief in August 2019.…

Human Rights Lawyers Prepare to Sue the Chinese Communist Party while Elected Officials Support Withdrawals
Over 340 million Chinese have quit their memberships in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its youth organizations. Unlike Western countries, where a third party (God) serves a witness in a court…

Five Women arrested and forced to watch Communist party Propaganda in Brainwashing Center Prior to China’s National Day Celebration
Five women who practice meditation in a certain spiritual discipline were held at the brainwashing center in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. They were locked up 18 days prior to the Chinese communist…

London, UK: Rally Condemns CCP Attack on Falun Gong Practitioner in Hong Kong
If you happened to pass by the Chinese Embassy in London on Oct,1, you may have seen banners flying and people dressed in yellow distributing pamphlets. They are the Falun Gong, which…

The Most Epic Speech in Hong Kong about The Hong Kong Protests
In this video, a young man pours his emotions out in a heart-rendering speech to the armed forces on the opposite side of the street barricades in Hong Kong. His anguish echoes…

Hong Kong Police cause Terror by Entering Tuen Mun Hospital fully Armed
On Friday 4 September more demonstrations in various districts of Hong Kong occurred. A 14-year-old boy from Yuen Long was shot with a live bullet in the left thigh and was rushed…

Analysis of Fire at Kwun Tong MTR station:
Analysis of fire at Kwun Tong MTR station: 7:50 pm. The live video of Standnews shows the station’s service counter still in good shape. 8:44 pm. Kwun Tong Station closed. 9:00 pm.…

防暴警荷槍實彈進屯門醫院 醫生震驚:18年戰地工作未見過 (21:42) 2019/10/5
共1幅 下一頁 上一頁 周五(4日)多區爆發示威,元朗一名14歲男童被實彈擊中左大腿,在屯門醫院接受手術。今日(5日)凌晨時分,一批防暴警持槍進入屯門醫院惹關注。過去18年曾18次到第三世界和戰地醫院工作的醫生歐耀佳,踏遍中東、南蘇丹、海地、也門加沙地區等,但從來沒有見過武裝人員進入人道救援或醫療機構。他表示,這些地區的軍人、衝突雙方均會遵守人道救援要求,先解除武裝才入內;對香港警方昨日荷槍實彈、持槍進入屯門醫院感恐怖和震驚,批評他們為展示武裝實力無節制。 歐耀佳指出,人道救援組織包括無國界醫生及紅十字國際委員會,均要求武裝人員在戰地醫療機構內解除武裝。歐耀佳過去18年戰地醫院經驗中,即使軍人和衝突雙方的武裝分子,都會尊重要求,進入醫療機構前解除武裝,讓其他成員在醫院門外看管武器。 稱醫療機構內解除武裝是「基本常識」 歐耀佳解釋,人道救援機構內治療衝突雙方的傷者,若有一方以武裝進入很可能會在醫院內引起衝突,「如果有人帶槍入去就可能發生槍戰」,危及病人及醫護人員安全。歐續說,屯門醫院是全港最繁忙的醫院之一,警員荷槍實彈有可能傷及病人和醫療人員;他的一名屯門醫院醫學生昨當值時看見警方持槍進入感恐懼。歐耀佳形容警方在醫院手持槍械「恐怖」和對此感到震驚,「在第三世界、武裝衝突地方都不會出現的事,他們都會尊重人道醫療機構,無法想像(警員持槍進入醫院)在香港出現了」。 他表示,在醫療機構內解除武裝是「基本常識」,批評警方無知或愚蠢;若是警員一放下槍械感到恐懼,歐耀佳擔憂警員是否情緒不穩。若非上述兩種情況,歐耀佳更擔心事件代表警方為展示武裝實力而愈來愈不節制。他促請食物及衛生局長陳肇始和醫管局高層就事件表態,採取措施確保病人和醫療人員安全。 醫管局表示,關注防暴警帶同裝備進入屯門醫院。警方稱,警員因應昨晚的情況和根據風險評估,在區內不同地點部署警力,重申在醫院調查任何個案或進行任何行動時,不會影響醫院運作和病人服務。…

18-year-old Boy Shot at Close Range – Hong Kong Police Claim Self-Defence
Hong Kong police have defended themselves after shooting an 18-year-old boy in Tsuen Wan at close range with live ammunition. Twenty-four pro-democracy lawmakers issued a statement saying that the police had unnecessarily increased…