Virus storytellers challenge China’s official narrative
BEIJING (AP) — After nearly a week of roaming China’s epidemic-struck city, filming the dead and the sickened in overwhelmed hospitals, the strain of being hounded by both the new virus and…
Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
harvard2thebighouse2 weeks ago This report is the product of a collaboration between a retired professional scientist with 30 years of experience in genomic sequencing and analysis who helped design several ubiquitous bioinformatic…

Jennifer Zeng’s Blog: CCP’s Internet Police Monitoring Everything
Spending max amounts of funds, the Chinese government, controlled by the Chinese Communistic Party (CCP), hires young people to monitor all Chinese citizens everyday, every hour and minute and second. Based on…

China’s Reasoning To Persecuting Falun Gong
Since 1996, Falun Gong has been banned and persecuted by the Chinese government. The authorities have called the peaceful meditation practice the “quintessential xie jiao,” meaning heterodox teaching or generally termed as…

‘Guards drew my blood:’ Falun Gong practitioner recalls nightmare in detention
By Daniel Cameron It’s hard to imagine this sweet lady was tortured, almost killed, at the hands of the very people that are meant to serve and protect. She even had her…

Former Prisoner of Conscience, Mr. Gang Chen, offered personal testimony of the abuse and crimes he suffered in one of Beijing’s Forced Labor Camps
Mr. Gang Chen, a Falun Gong practitioner, shares personal details and his experience through the harrowing and dangerous time of being imprisoned in one of Beijing’s forced labor camps ( video link…

Report Reveals Western Companies Are Involved With China’s Genocide Of Organ Harvesting
The recent report alleges that international medical and pharmaceutical companies assisted China in their illegal organ transplant crimes. It named 20 global companies who helped murder people through state-sponsored campaigns of forced…

Virus-hit Wuhan has two laboratories linked to Chinese bio-warfare program
6′ In this photo released by China’s Xinhua News Agency, a medical worker writes their colleague’s name on a protective suit to aid in identification as they work at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan…

Former Surgeon, Now Uber Driver In London, Recalls Helping In the Organ Harvesting Of Chinese Dissidents
Dr Enver Tothi once traveled to the countryside in Urumqi, located in northwest China, to remove organs of dying Falun Gong practitioner murdered by Chinese authorities. Instead of practicing medicine, he presently…