Intercepting TV Signals in China: A Look Back at Falun Gong Practitioners’ Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution

Intercepting TV Signals in China: A Look Back at Falun Gong Practitioners’ Peaceful Resistance to the Persecution

April 01, 2017 | By a Minghui correspondent ( The Chinese Communist regime launched its campaign against Falun Gong in July 1999. The next few years saw state-owned media filled with propaganda against…

Defy CCP Regime and Its Persecution Against Falun Gong

Don’t Condone the CCP’s Persecution of Falun Gong If a country or nation does not hold firm to its moral values and continues to maintain its ties with the Chinese Communist Party…

Hong Kong Revelation: Reject the CCP Method

Hong Kong Revelation【The CCP Method】 Truth10 – Truth Media “Today’s Hong Kong can be the world’s tomorrow, if we do not act now.” – Alan Leong, Chair of Hong Kong’s Civic Party.…

Reject the CCP and its Method

For centuries, communism has always been the strife and the problematic series of events which have killed millions and millions of people. The most popular and corrupt regime at this time that…
A member of The Church of Almighty God recounts her experience serving a five-year sentence for her faith in prison where she was subjected to forced labor.

A member of The Church of Almighty God recounts her experience serving a five-year sentence for her faith in prison where she was subjected to forced labor.

by Yuan Wei A member of The Church of Almighty God (CAG)—the single most persecuted religious movement in China—in her 30s now, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2014. Accused of “using…

Prison Officers Moved from Other Provinces to Wuhan Prison During Epidemic

March 29, 2020 | By a Minghui correspondent in China ( Prisons, detention centers, and brainwashing centers in Wuhan have been actively participating in the persecution since the Chinese communist regime began persecuting Falun Gong 21…

The Pandemic Is A Plague for human sin—To Be Saved One Must Turn Away From Evil And The Chinese Communistic Party (CCP)

Watch this video from Facebook from Truth3 and find out why it is so:…

Accountability Of The Chinese Regime Dealing With The CoronaVirus Pandemic

From Facebook page called Truth3, it reports this as such with the recent news of the US passing legislation to hold China and the Chinese Communistic Party responsible for the spread of…

Demonetizing A Falun Dafa Practitioner’s YouTube Channel For No Reason

Jennifer Zeng, a YouTuber, having a channel called “Inconvenient Truths,” had it demonetized, and given no reason at all by YouTube, merely mentioned the source of the CCP virus (covid-19 virus/Coronavirus). This…
Surprise! Sprint Still Has Huawei in Its Network

Surprise! Sprint Still Has Huawei in Its Network

News AnalysisDAN JONES, Mobile Editor1/25/2016 COMMENT (21) Sprint still has Huawei equipment in its wireless network, Light Reading has learned, despite promising US authorities three years ago that it would remove the…
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