Horrifying Images of Tibetans Brutalized by Chinese Communist Party Police
These are powerful images of riots in Tibet. It portrays the inhumane treatment by the Chinese Regime of the Tibetans. Its aim is to expose the Chinese Communist Party’s evil crimes against humanity so that legal procedures against the Party can be implemented as soon as possible. It…

“Killed Donkeys” The Fate that Befalls Those Who Follow the Communist Party in Crime
Back in 1948, Hu Shih, former Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. (1938 to 1942), faced a difficult decision. Both the Chinese Communist Party, whose troops had surrounded Beijing, and Chiang Kai-shek promised him high-ranking positions in their respective administrations. Each did the best they could to woo the…

The Disease of Struggle
The common belief, rooted in the origins of communism, shared by today’s democracies By Joshua Philipp When the Soviet Union collapsed, Ryszard Legutko, the minister of education of Poland, had an impression shared by many as Poland transitioned from communism to democracy: It still felt like communism. “The…