The Xinjiang Police Files are leaked documents from the Xinjiang internment camps that were forwarded to Adrian Zenz from an anonymous source. These files consist of more than ten gigabytes in size of speeches, images, spreadsheets and protocals dating back to 2018. On May 24, 2022, an international consortium of fourteen media companies[a] published information…

NBA Players-China Shoe Contracts Involves Companies Using Slave Labor
From “Daily Wire” on Facebook, Ben Shapiro is shown in a video clip on his show, “The Ben Shapiro Show,” talking to Clay Travis, founder of Outkick and also a sports journalist/analyst. They talk about how NBA players claim racism in America yet accept and involve themselves in…
US Lawmakers Take Action On Forced Organ Harvesting In China
From Washington, a group of US lawmakers introduces the first legislative bill named Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act, which counters global organ trafficking. Other similar bills were enacted in March and December of last year. Kristina Olney, director of government relations for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation,…

CHINA WATCH — Can Western Civilization Stand Up To China And Their Human Right Abuses & Genocide?
Paul Murray, reporter for Sky News Australia, brings information on Tom Kenyon, a former labor trade minister, who gives great insight and sounds the horn on China, on the reliance and direction towards China nation. Kenyon says, “We must cut China ties I helped build. Unfortunately, we no…
BBC Reporter Manages To Leave China For Taiwan After Being Threatened
BBC’s China correspondent John Sudworth and his wife Yvonne Murray, another correspondent to Irish broadcaster RTE, left China—being relocated from Beijing to Taiwan. They had left on very short notice after March 23rd because of grave concerns to the safety of him and his family, issued the Foreign…

Joshua Philipp’s Analysis of Jin Canrong’s (Top Adviser To The CCP) Speech In 2016 And China’s Advancements In The Last Few Years And Current Plans To Overtake And Rule The USA
From Joshua Philipp’s YouTube channel, “Crossroads With Joshua Philipp,” (starting from 44:30 until end of video, https://youtu.be/e9perC6PiZs ) he breaks down the Jin Canrong Speech in 2016 with this article from Epoch Times ( “CCP Adviser Outlined Detailed Plan To Defeat US, Including Manipulating Elections,” https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/xi-jinpings-adviser-outlines-plan-for-ccp-to-defeat-us-including-manipulating-elections_3748196.html ), in regards to China’s direction…

Biden Confirms CCP’s genocide of Uighurs
From EPOCH TIMES, an article written by Isabel Van Brugen states that Joe Biden, current president of the United States, agrees to the fact of CCP committing genocide — [ President Joe Biden believes the Chinese regime has committed “genocide” and “crimes against humanity” against Uyghur Muslims in the region…

UK Foreign Minister Objects — Do Not Do Trade With Rights Abusers
From NTD, they reported that the prime minister of the United Kingdom, Dominic Raab, spoke openly about being cautious doing business with people who may have ties to human rights abuses and violations. He said that the UK should do no business with countries that commit human rights…

The Spread of Communism and the Ruination of Societies After it — ( What Communism is — hit this link — http://www.ninecommentaries.com/ )
The Spread of Communism and the Ruination of Societies After it — ( What Communism is — hit this link — http://www.ninecommentaries.com/ ) In society today, there are secret sects and orders, along with a few groups of people, who use worship of dark forces as a way…