New Book Available: Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China
( The new English book Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China will soon be published and is now available for pre-order. Cover of Minghui Report: The 20-Year Persecution of Falun Gong in China This milestone report is based entirely on firsthand information collected by from China…

China Tribunal Confirms Live Organ Harvesting on Prisoners Continues Still
The China Tribunal headed by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, gave its closing verdict on June 17, (an independent Tribunal) that “forced organ harvesting was committed and has been for years throughout China on a significant scale, [and] the tribunal has had no evidence that the significant infrastructure associated with…

European Companies Get Rich in China’s ‘Open Air Prison’
Volkswagen, Siemens and more are making money in Xinjiang, where minorities are being herded into detention camps. By Benjamin Haas Mr. Haas is a visiting academic fellow at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Berlin. BERLIN — Many people around the world may just now be learning that around…

“Killed Donkeys” The Fate that Befalls Those Who Follow the Communist Party in Crime
Back in 1948, Hu Shih, former Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. (1938 to 1942), faced a difficult decision. Both the Chinese Communist Party, whose troops had surrounded Beijing, and Chiang Kai-shek promised him high-ranking positions in their respective administrations. Each did the best they could to woo the…

548 Falun Gong followers Arrested ahead of the CCP’s 70th Anniversary
Hundreds of innocent people were arrested and abused according to classified information. 548 Falun Gong practitioners in China were detained by Police and 215 were harassed for their belief in August 2019. The tragedy is that Falun Gong, (a peacefull meditative practise, based on Truthfulness, Compassion Tolerance) has…

更新: 2019年09月25日 6:56 PM 分享LINE 分享複製鏈接人氣:1261 2019年9月24日至10月9日,法國國民議會展開對「生物倫理法」修訂草案的討論,來自不同黨派的多位議會就「器官捐贈」條例,共提出32項修改草案,要求法國政府建立國家器官移植登記系統,跟蹤在法國的來自外國的器官來源,抵制和嚴懲器官販賣。圖為2019年7月23日法國國民議會針對歐盟-加拿大貿易協定的討論現場。(STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN/AFP) 【大紀元2019年09月25日訊】(大紀元記者啟心綜合報導)2019年9月24日至10月9日,法國國民議會針對「生物倫理法」的修訂草案進行討論審議。其中針對「器官捐獻」的條例,法國議員還在歐洲首次提出要建立「海外器官移植者登記制度」,這或將推動整個歐洲的器官移植管理。 今年法國政府提出修改「生物倫理法」,並在法國國民議會成立了相應的「生物倫理法」委員會。來自不同黨派的多位議員就「器官捐贈」條例提出32項修改草案,要求法國政府建立國家器官移植登記系統,跟蹤海外的器官來源,抵制和嚴懲器官販賣。 根據法國國家生物醫療局統計,每年大約有400名病人從法國等待器官捐獻的名單上消失。這些病人既沒有在法國進行器官移植,也沒有病逝,卻神祕地從器官等待名單上消失,他們去了哪裡? 近年來持續曝光的、中共系統地大規模對法輪功學員進行活體摘取器官的罪行, 讓法國議員們認為必須採取行動,刻不容緩。 本年度「生物倫理法」委員會由50多位國會議員組成,法國獨立黨派議員艾格尼絲‧菲爾博多(Agnès Firmin Le Bodo)擔任主席,委員會共收到2400多個修改草案。 En commission spéciale #bioethique, adoption #PJLBioéthique. Ce texte contient de nombreux sujets #PMApourtoutes #filiation #IA #accesorigines #cellulessouches Un grand merci à ts mes collègues pr ces débats apaisés,sereins et constructifs.Merci aux…

Report Reveals Vast State-Run Industry to Harvest Organs in China
By Matthew Robertson WASHINGTON—Transplant surgeons in China are awash in human organs. Some complain of working 24-hour shifts, performing back-to-back transplant surgeries. Others ensure they’ve got spare organs available, freshly harvested—just in case. Some hospitals can source organs within just hours, while others report having two, three, or…