How The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World
Audiobook: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World93D BY EDITORIAL TEAM OF “THE NINE COMMENTARIES ON THE COMMUNIST PARTY” How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World: Conclusion97D BY EDITORIAL TEAM OF “THE NINE COMMENTARIES ON THE COMMUNIST PARTY” Chapter Eighteen: The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Ambitions (Part II)97D BY EDITORIAL…

Chinese Government Commands Residents to Install Wicked Surveillance App
Police in China has reportedly forced Muslims in China to download an App called JingWang as part of a mass inspection campaign. They are checked to ensure that individuals have it installed on their phones, and have arrested individuals who refuse to do so. The application also monitors WeChat and Weibo activity. Now, researchers…

European Politicians to Xi Jinping: Dismantle Communism
Leo Timm Speaking to the New York-based broadcaster New Tang Dynasty (NTD), two European politicians expressed hopes that Chinese leader Xi Jinping bring genuine political reform by giving up the regime’s Marxist ideology. Gerard Batten, a British Member of European Parliament (MEP), urged Xi to abandon communism, calling…

Chinese Communist Party readies crackdown Christianity
Correspondents Report By China correspondent Matthew Carney [ABC news] China’s governing Communist Party is set to launch a nationwide crackdown on Christianity. Correspondent Matthew Carney travels through the country and speaks to churchgoers who are worried they could soon be arrested. The Communist Party has just enacted much…

Report Reveals Vast State-Run Industry to Harvest Organs in China
By Matthew Robertson WASHINGTON—Transplant surgeons in China are awash in human organs. Some complain of working 24-hour shifts, performing back-to-back transplant surgeries. Others ensure they’ve got spare organs available, freshly harvested—just in case. Some hospitals can source organs within just hours, while others report having two, three, or…

Shut down Chinese Confucius Institutes in the U.S.
3 reasons Confucius Institutes must be shut down1. They use Confucius Institutes spying on students undermining American free speech. Any Chinese student says anything bad about the Chinese government, their family in China will be threatened2. Using students to gathering intelligence for the evil regime3. They teach twisted…