US Takes Counteractive Measures Against Beijing’s Insidious Actions
Trump Administration revamps hardening stance against Beijing’s volatile and destructive strategies and laws on world domination, in particular to trade and supply and Hong Kong.…

Hong Kong Revelation: Reject the CCP Method
Hong Kong Revelation【The CCP Method】 Truth10 – Truth Media “Today’s Hong Kong can be the world’s tomorrow, if we do not act now.” – Alan Leong, Chair of Hong Kong’s Civic Party. To learn about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s method of rule, let’s look at the experience…

Reject the CCP and its Method
For centuries, communism has always been the strife and the problematic series of events which have killed millions and millions of people. The most popular and corrupt regime at this time that practices terrorism and human rights genocide is the Chinese Communistic Party (CCP), who uses forms of…

The Pandemic Is A Plague for human sin—To Be Saved One Must Turn Away From Evil And The Chinese Communistic Party (CCP)
Watch this video from Facebook from Truth3 and find out why it is so:…

Accountability Of The Chinese Regime Dealing With The CoronaVirus Pandemic
From Facebook page called Truth3, it reports this as such with the recent news of the US passing legislation to hold China and the Chinese Communistic Party responsible for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic: “Senators introduced legislation on May 12 that would authorize President Donald Trump to…

Joshua Philipp: Tracking Down The Origin Of The Wuhan Coronavirus
Here is a special report from the Epoch Times, starring Joshua Philipp, who goes and talks to various experts and others to trace the COVID-19 virus back to the possible and likely origins of a flu-like imitating pneumonia that is man-made. https://www.theepochtimes.com/coronavirusfilm…

CCP Crimes And Global Response: Chinese Communist Party’s Crimes Against Humanity
The information below is a collection of reports detailing the evil deeds of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Their systematic crackdown on, the persecution of good people who believe in Buddhas, Gods and Taos and how the people of the world are silenced by CCP money and threats.…

Easy Money Making In China: Forced Live Organ Harvesting
This episode on China Uncensored, a YouTube channel, talks about the corruption and lies of the Chinese Communistic Party in regards to the China Tribunal’s 562 pages of documents on investigating the crimes of organ harvesting in China. It really highlights the 20 years of persecution and organ harvesting of Falun…

The Persecution Of Falun Gong Practitioners Did Not Decrease in 2019-CCP Continues Crimes
From Fe y Esperanza on Facebook: The persecution of falun dafa by the Chinese Communist regime did not decrease in 2019, with 6.109 falun gong practitioners arrested and 3.582 harassed by their faith. At the time of writing this report, it is known that 3.400 practitioners remain in…