Lord Philip Hunt Wants to Prevent Forced Organ Harvesting

From New Tang Dynasty in the United Kingdom (NTD UK News), they report that Lord Philip Hunt proposed an earlier amendment called “medicine and medical devices bill,“ which passed to gaining proof by consensual means of tissues obtained out of the country. Hunt acknowledges about knowing China’s illegal…

US Mainstream Media Furthers Chinese Communistic Party’s Hate Of Falun Gong

Here, in this YouTube video ( https://youtu.be/sMOF0lWhOxE ) from Falun Dafa Information Center, hosted by Levi Browde, one of the authors there, explains the details of why and what the media distorts and uses false information to bring misconceptions and a negative representation of Falun Dafa to the public. He…

Concern For Communistic China Headed By The Chinese Communistic Party (CCP) Who Deals With Corporate America

From CPAC 2021 live, comes a section of panelists who discusses the sabotage, agenda, and corrupt principles of communism, in relation the China, who is controlled by the Chinese Communistic Party. Hosted by Gordon Chang, who is part of the American Conservative Union Foundation Board, talks to Joshua…