From Facebook page, Truth and Moments:
Renowned human rights lawyer David Matas proposed suggestions in his speech to end the CCP’s killing of Falun Gong practitioners.
David Kilgour, former Secretary of State for Asian-Pacific, and David Matas, an international human rights lawyer, have investigated the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) state-sanctioned organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners for several years and published their investigation reports.
During the virtual online rally held on July 20, 2020, they put forward several suggestions to the Canadian government including using the Magnitsky Act to sanction the 14 CCP officials who have participated in the persecution of Falun Gong.
“My particular focus when addressing the persecution of Falun Gong has been the mass killing of Falun Gong for their organs in transplants,” he said.
“The question I would try to briefly answer is how can Canada contribute to ending the abuse. In the short time I have, I have suggestions to make very quickly.
“First of all, Parliament should enact immediately Bill S-204 which has all-party support and which criminalizes complicity in organ transplant abuse abroad.
“Second, parliament should amend the state immunity act to shoulder the civil liberty liability in complicity in transplant abuse abroad.
“Third, the government of Canada should sign and ratify the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs.
“Fourth, the government of Canada should raise Chinese organ transplant abuse at the United Nations human rights council under the agenda item human rights situations that require the council’s attention.
“Fifth, the government of Canada should name Chinese organ transplant abuse perpetrators under the Canadian Magnitsky legislation.
“Sixth, the government of Canada should impose specific immigration ban on those complicit in organ transplant abuse abroad.
“Seventh, a provincial legislature should enact mandatory reporting by health administrators and health officials of transplant tourism.
“Eighth, a provincial legislature should prohibit insurance coverage for transplant tourism.
“Ninth, the health and bioethics profession should set out specific bioethical and professional standards against complicity in transplant abuse abroad.
“And tenth, Canadian hospitals and universities should adopt policies standing against any assistance of hospitals and doctors complicit in organ transplant abuse abroad.
There is no more time to loose stopping this Chinese holocaust. The world should finally stop looking aside as happened during Hitler’s holocaust! Congratulations to the brave Canadians! GO AHEAD WITH THIS FIGHT.